Teaching IT Fundamentals

I decided a few days ago that I was going to start posting some course content to regirgitate some of the informaiton I've collected over the years which has made me a successful IT Systems Administrator. I believe I've settled on the site residing on…

By Sammah

Happy Holidays

I hope you all are having a Happy Holiday Season. As we approach the end of the year it's a time to reflect on this last year and find out how you can better yourself. I know that's what I'm doing. Look at your past…

By Sammah

Stream Schedule

Hello there! Sammah here, I just wanted to address my inconsistent stream schedule. I've had these atypical chronic migraines I've been dealing with since around 2001 and they're still a problem so usually if I think I'm going to stream one day my head may…

By Sammah


I've been streaming pretty inconsistently lately BUT I do want to do more music production streams to show different workflows. Primarily I use Ableton Live for the production part and I prefer mixing in Pro Tools just because that's what I was formally trained in…

By Sammah